The best Private Primary Schools in Nyali, Kenya

Looking for private primary schools in Nyali, Kenya? Find updated list of the best private-primary-schools in Nyali, Kenya on our business directory. Find contact information for each business such as phone number and address. View photos, products and services.

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Shaddai Junior Academy, Nyali
P.O.Box 34220, Nyali

St. Kevin Elite School, Nyali
P.O Box 1438, Mombasa 80100

Maryjoy School, Nyali
Along Mombasa-Malindi Road,
Behind Diamond Petrol Station
P.O. Box 98221, Mombasa 80100

Maryjoy Kindergarten and Primary School is located in Mombasa County, Bombolulu behind Lexu petrol station. Day and boarding school. It is one of the Best performing Private schools and where talents...
Milele Centre Primary School, Nyali
Shauri Yako, Kisumu Ndogo,Nyali
P.O. Box 95807, Mombasa 80100